Monday, January 4, 2010

Tournament Schedule 12-under Team

Not everyone turned in a paper indicating what tournament dates did or did not work for them. I used what had gotten turned in to me and picked the dates the MAJORITY could attend, plus I added the Joplin tournament. If a date does not work for you, please let me know. If several players cannot attend a certain tournament, we will make some changes. If only 1-2 have to miss, the rest of the team will attend the tournament.

February 20 - Club Bear Tournament
February 27 - Springfield Stars Spectacular
March 6 - Carthage Spring Championship
March 13 - Joplin Junior Volleyfest

Right now we have 4 tournaments. There are other tournaments we could attend after March 13. We can decide this at a later date! I think this is a good schedule for a first year team! Go get 'em girls!!

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